The Jazz audience had a chance to hear this duet during Birstonas
Jazz festival in 1994. After seven years they decided to prepare
a new program and perform it at Vilnius Jazz 2001 festival. It is
a very contrastive suite, based on free jazz traditions and performed
mainly with acoustic instruments that sometimes are "coloured"
by electronic means.
Vytautas Labutis and Eugenijus Kanevicius play in duet only for
the second time, but each of them personally perform with various
famous Lithuanian Jazz bands and Eugenijus Kanevicius palys in Vilnius
Jazz Quartet.
Saxophonist Vytautas Labutis was studying saxophone and
jazz improvisations at Vladimir Chekasin's. After his debute at
Birstonas Jazz Festival in 1982, where he played together with Petras
Vysniauskas Quartet, Vytautas Labutis participated at various festivals
all over the former USSR and in Europe. He played in such countries
as Finland, Slovak Republic, Russia, Romania, Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, Hungary, Italy, Nrway, France, Sweden, Bulgaria, Aystralia,
Poland, England and the United States. Vytautas Labutis has performed
almost with all Lithuanian Jazz musicians, he is a member of Vladimir
Tarasov Lithuanian Art Orchestra and of the Lithuanian Young Composers
Orchestra, he has participated at the International projects, such
as Jazz Baltica Ensemble, Octet Ost III, East - West Vapirov Project
bei New European Saxophone Quartet. Despite his own ensemble, the
saxophonist performs with Dainius Pulauskas Sextet, Vilnius Jazz
Quartet. In 1996 Vytautas Labutis was awarded the Birstonas Jazz
Festival Grand Prix.
Pokalbių Ratas, the Vytautas Labutis, Eugenijus Kanevicius and
V. Mikeliunas joint composition was presented this year at St. Christopher
Festival and performed together with St. Christopher chamber orchestra.
Eugenijus Kanevicius, the bassist and co-author of the composition,
has performed with Skirmantas Sasnauskas, Petras Vysniauskas, Vytautas
Labutis, Tomas Kutavicius bands, with Vladimir Tarasov's LAO, Kaunas
big band and with Vilnius Jazz Quartet. Eugenijus Kanevicius also
plays solo and with his own ensembles where he is a leader and composer
at the same time. Eugenijus Kanevicius together with various Jazz
musicians has participated at such Festivals as Jazz Baltica and
Vilnius Jazz, has performed at Varna, Tallin, Piarnu, Ryga, Moscow,
Archangelsk, Novosibirsk, St.Petersburg festivals as well as in
France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland,
in 1992 participated at European Jazz Night, the TV project.